Student & Family Handbook
Hackberry Student & Family Handbook
This handbook was created to answer just about any question you or your students have about anything to do with school and Hackberry Hill.
Please take some time to familiarize yourself so when you have a question, you will know where to find the answer. As always please call the school office anytime you have a question or concern.
- Arrival and Dismissal
- Attendance
- Bikes, Skateboards, etc.
- Cell Phones and Personal Devices
- Student Use of the Internet
- Citizenship and Discipline
- Classroom Parties
- Conferences and Report Cards
- Court Documents and Restraining Orders
- Dress Code and Proper Attire
- Flex Days
- Emergency Contact Information
- Emergency Procedures and Drills
- Field Trips
- Health and Medication
- Inside Days: Weather Policy
- Instruction and Homework
- Money at School
- Parking Lot and Hug n Go
- School Safety
- Visitor Sign In
- Visiting School and Classrooms
- 504 Policy
Arrival and Dismissal
Student arrival
Students should not arrive earlier than 7:30 (unless arriving for breakfast, when they should enter directly through breakfast doors). Students will enter through assigned exterior doors at 7:40am. Kindergarten students and students in grade 1 enter through the doors near the custodial office; students in grades 2 and 3 enter through the recess doors; and students in grades 4 and 5 should enter through the outdoor classroom doors each morning. Upon entering for the day students should proceed directly to their classrooms and begin getting ready for the day.
In case of inclement weather
The office will call an inside morning and students will be allowed in to sit in the hall near their classroom doors so they have supervision.
Students will be dismissed at the end of the day through their exterior classroom doors unless they attend Red Rocks daycare or an enrichment program. Students in daycare or enrichments will dismiss through the hallway door to their appropriate after school location.
Students should not remain at school or on school grounds after 2:50 p.m. without a specific reason and permission from a parent or teacher. Students are NOT allowed to play on the playground after school unless they are attending the childcare program or are with a parent or adult guardian. There is NO supervision on the playground before or after school.
Students should plan to arrive at school no earlier than 7:25 a.m. unless eating breakfast. (Breakfast entry is from 7:15–7:40 a.m. through the north doors by 5th grade.) They will line up by their grade level assigned door, except in bad weather, in which case they will be let in to line up inside. The first bell rings at 7:35 a.m. At 7:45 a.m., the tardy bell will ring and students arriving after that need to check in with the office to receive a tardy slip.
WHEN A CHILD IS ABSENT, it is very important that parents report the absence by 8:15 a.m. the day of the absence. We prefer you do so on our 24-hour attendance number (303-982-0238). Calls from students will not be accepted. Even if you have advised a teacher of your child’s absence, please also leave a message on the attendance line.
If we do not have a message on the attendance line, we will attempt to contact parents or guardians using all available phone numbers and email addresses. We will leave messages if we are unable to speak personally with an adult.
Upon your child’s return to school after an absence, all school work that was missed must be completed. In most cases, make-up work will not be given to your child prior to an absence. If your child has extended absences (such as from a serious illness), you may arrange to pick up homework with your child’s teacher. Please see info on Make-up Work below.
Pre-arranged absences, for 3 days or more, should be approved prior to the absence if at all possible. We understand that emergencies occur and we ask that you leave a message for these occasions. Forms are available in the office. The principal may approve or disapprove based on the reason for the absence and the number of absences a student may have.
The State of Colorado requires students to attend school for 175 days per school year. An Attendance Plan will be established for those students deemed to have 4 unexcused absences in a month, or 10 unexcused absences in a year. This plan will be written with input from the student, the parent, and a school official. The plan is designed to improve student attendance before a court hearing is mandated.
Colorado state law allows principals to change excused absences to unexcused absences in special circumstances.
Definitions of excused and unexcused absences
Excused absence: 2 or fewer consecutive days
All absences of 2 or fewer days must be called in prior to, or on the day of, the absence, no later than 8:30 a.m. on the attendance line 303-982-0238.
Excused absence: 3 or more days
All absences of 3 or more days should be approved prior to the days of the absence except in extreme emergency situations.
Reasons when absences will be excused
Absences will be excused for:
- *Illness and medical care subject to doctor verification if requested by the administration.
- *Family emergencies and family business subject to verification, if requested.
- Pre-arranged Absence Form must be submitted and approved prior to a planned absence of 3 or more days.
- Other documentation might be required under certain conditions.
Unexcused absence
- Absences that are not excused as defined above.
- Any absence without notice from a parent by 8:15 a.m. on the day of the absence.
- 3 or more days of illness without direct contact with the school secretary and/or approval from the principal.
- Extended leave of 3 or more days from school without prior approval from the school
- Any absence where documentation was required in order to be excused, that was not properly documented.
Half-day absence
- Any student arriving after 9:30 a.m. and before 10:55 a.m. will be considered a half-day a.m. absence.
- Any student leaving after 10:55 a.m. and before 1:15 p.m. will be considered a half-day p.m. absence.
Tardy and early release
- Any student arriving at school after 7:45 a.m. and before 9:30 a.m. will be considered tardy.
- Any student checked out after 1:15 p.m. and before 2:35 p.m. will be considered an early release.
Make-up work
Make-up work shall be provided for any class in which a student has an excused/unexcused absence. It is the student's responsibility to pick up any make-up assignments on the day he or she returns to class. Make-up work shall be allowed following an excused/unexcused absence with the goal of providing the student an opportunity to keep up with the class and as an incentive to attend school. Students who complete make-up work in the required period of time (two days for every day absent, however an extension may be granted by school administration) will receive full academic credit.
Absences in Art, Music, PE (AMP)
AMP uses a weekly rotation, during which students are in Art, Music or PE for a full week at a time. A prolonged absence could impact their AMP experience and in some cases they may have to be offered alternative activities in the AMP class upon their return.
Bikes, Skateboards, etc.
Bicycles, skateboards, and scooters may be ridden to school by students. All three need to be walked on the school grounds. Bikes and scooters should be locked in the bike rack and skateboards should be placed in cubbies or a safe place in the classroom. Safety patrol and teachers will communicate if there are issues and repeat offenders might have consequences. The school is not responsible for damage to, or theft of, bikes, skateboards or scooters.
Cell Phones and Personal Devices
Students are able to use school phones for emergencies. We only recommend cell phones for older students, based on need. Cell phones must be turned off and stored in a backpack at all times once a child arrives on our school grounds. Students are not to use cell phones for any reason during the normal school day or in the school building. This includes on field trips, etc. Once school is dismissed students may use cell phones outside of our building. Cell phones being used improperly will be taken and returned only to the parent. Please note that the school cannot replace lost or stolen cell phones.
If a student must contact a parent during the school day, they will be sent to the office to use a phone there.
Parents should not text students during the school day if at all possible.
Student Use of the Internet
The internet and related electronic instructional resources are used in schools to support student learning. The use of these resources are for educational purposes only when on district property, at district or school-sanctioned activities or events, when students are being transported in vehicles dispatched by Jeffco Public Schools, and off school property when such conduct has a nexus to school or any district curricular or non-curricular activity or event.
Teachers and school administration determine use of the Jeffco Instructional Network based on educational goals of the school and classroom, and may determine to limit access. Students are encouraged to use the network to do homework, class-related research, and class work when appropriate. Students should not use this network for music, gaming, or non-educational video streaming. In compliance with the Child Information Protection Act (CIPA) requirements, this network will be monitored. Jeffco Public Schools accepts no responsibility associated with loss, damage, or theft of a device connected to the network.
Citizenship and Discipline
At Hackberry we have 5 major codes of conduct:
- Honor Everyone
- Academic Achievement
- Work Together
- Kindness to Others
- Safety First.
By acting like a “Hawk” we can ensure that all members of our school enjoy being at Hackberry Hill.
The goal of discipline at HH is to create a positive atmosphere where students have the opportunity to develop to their highest potential. We can achieve this by doing the following:
- Maintaining a healthy, safe environment
- Creating a positive educational atmosphere
- Helping to develop responsible individuals
- Creating an atmosphere of caring, respect and trust among students, parents and staff
- Accepting each student as an individual and providing opportunities for each student to reach his/her potential
- Viewing discipline as a learning process, where students are given a chance to learn from mistakes.
- Respecting individual differences in culture, race, religion, abilities, interests, etc.
Problem-solving process
When a student has a problem with another student or students, we ask them to use the following process. If they are injured or fear for their safety, they should go straight to step 3.
Step 1: Stop. Tell the other student you don’t like what they are doing and ask them to stop.
Step 2: Walk. Move away from the other student.
Step 3: Talk. Ask an adult for help.
*Note: Do NOT use physical force.
All behaviors covered under the Colorado State Discipline Code and Jefferson County School Policy will be handled in accordance with district policy. All families will be required to review the school Discipline Policy and sign an agreement to adhere to the policy while attending Hackberry Hill. This includes the District Code of Conduct.
Behavior at events scheduled outside the school day
All students attending special events at Hackberry Hill are expected to adhere to school behavior expectations. Students should not wander through hallways or enter classrooms without permission from school personnel. When attending special events, students should always be accompanied by an adult. All adults attending musical programs are asked to keep any non-performing children seated with them. Children should not be in the hallways or allowed to exit and reenter the performance area unattended. This policy will be strictly enforced.
Lunchroom and playground
All students are required to clean up their own space after eating in the cafeteria. All students must be dismissed by an adult. Students are expected to use appropriate voice volume and behaviors while in the eating area.
For safety reasons, students must always use the playground equipment in the manner of use intended. Teachers and Educational Assistants will talk to students about these expectations.
Jefferson County School District discipline code
In 1993, the Colorado State legislature passed laws to help ensure that schools are safe places for students, staff and visitors, and that the educational process is free of interruption. Jefferson County School District consistently enforces specific policies and procedures related to student discipline. Some serious violations call for mandatory expulsion. Please refer to the Jeffco Schools Conduct Code that is available for each family at the beginning of each school year. Be sure you and your child are familiar with its contents.
NOTE: For the safety of our students, report all concerns about threats or harassment to your teacher or principal.
Classroom Parties
Jeffco Schools School Board Policy and a document developed by a consortium of various religions and civil rights groups, Religion in the Public Schools, that summarizes case law and Supreme Court decisions were used to guide our decision-making around class parties. Schools are asked to use sensitivity around participation in activities where a student or their family may feel like an outsider.
Nut and other food allergies
For the safety of our students with severe food allergies, we ask all parents to respectfully send treats for classroom parties that do NOT have nuts and to check with teachers first before sending snacks to the classrooms at any time. Thank you for helping keep all of our students safe.
Individual student birthday parties and invitations to parties
Birthday parties and birthday treats for students or teachers are not permitted in the classroom or cafeteria. Teachers usually have a system of recognizing student birthdays within the classroom, free of food.
If students receive balloons, flowers, singing telegrams, etc., for their birthday, items will be retained in the office until the end of the school day.
Students should not bring birthday or party invitations to school to distribute. Please call or mail invites to parties from home. This is more work but helps us create a more welcoming environment for all of our students.
Parents are not allowed to bring in food from outside for children other than their own, unless organized by PTA or coordinated by the teacher in conjunction with a unit of study. This applies to the classroom as well as the cafeteria. We do have students with severe allergies and food should not be brought without prior approval.
Conferences and Report Cards
Report cards are sent home at the end of each trimester (twelve-week period). Teacher- request conferences will be held in February and student-led conferences will be in May. In addition, the staff at Hackberry Hill strongly encourages all parents to call and request a conference at any time you feel it is necessary. If problems or misunderstandings occur, they can usually be corrected through the cooperative efforts of parents and school personnel. When you have a question or when a problem arises, please use the following steps to alleviate the situation:
- Contact the classroom teacher by phone to discuss the situation or to set up an appointment.
- After talking with the teacher, if you are not satisfied with the solution, please contact the principal to assist you.
We approach each situation looking for a win/win solution. With cooperation between home and school, we believe we can provide the best educational experience for all of our students.
Court Documents and Restraining Orders
Staff will comply with all existing court orders that are on file in the office. In many cases, it is critical that we have these documents available for the safety of our students and staff. Please provide these to the office as needed, including updates, and in a timely manner. Please also provide court documents for name changes, adoptions, custody orders, etc.
Dress Code and Proper Attire
The Board of Education recognizes that responsibility for the dress and appearance of students generally rests with individual students and their parents. Students shall not, however, wear clothing or effect an appearance at school or school-sanctioned activities or events that is or will be disruptive to the educational environment. Students also shall not wear clothing or effect an appearance that compromises the maintenance of a safe and orderly school.
General standards
The following general standards shall also apply:
Disciplinary action for violation of the student dress code shall include notifying the student of the violation and a requirement that the dress or appearance be corrected before the student reenters the classroom, school environment, and/or school-sanctioned activity or event. At the discretion of the building level administrator, a parental conference may be held. More serious consequences, including suspension or expulsion, may result from repeated or serious violations.
Students are expected to be properly dressed during cold weather. Students will go outside for recess most days. On cold days, students need gloves and hats, as well as coats. Temperature, snow/rain, wind and sunshine are all taken into consideration when determining if students go outside. These factors and a temperature of 20 degrees are used as guidelines. PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOUR CHILD HAS PROPER CLOTHING FOR THESE DAYS!
Flex Days
Flex Days are scheduled to allow teachers the time to test each student individually in the fall and spring. Teachers will contact parents to arrange for an appointment for testing. Students only need to attend school during their testing time on these days. Students not being tested do NOT attend on flex days. Please see the online calendar Flex Days dates.
Emergency Contact Information
In an emergency, we need to contact parents immediately. We ask all parents to keep all their contact and emergency contact information updated in Infinite Campus. Your online information allows us to contact you quickly and secure medical aid, etc., in the case of an emergency.
Students will not be called from class to use the telephone and calls for students will not be transferred to classrooms. We will, however, convey emergency messages to students. If your child's after school plans are different than usual please have these details worked out before school. The office is a super busy place all day long, especially at the end of the school day. Please help us out by reminding your child of schedule changes, pickup locations and other important information before they leave home in the mornings.
Please notify the school if your child has experienced a trauma such as a death in the family, divorce, etc. This allows us to provide support as needed during their day at school.
Emergency Procedures and Drills
In order to ensure the safety of our students, our district requires that we practice fire drills and emergency drills on a regular basis. Our emergency procedures follow the Standard Response Protocol, developed by the “I love U Guys” foundation. Under this streamlined and efficient system, there are four types of drills: Lockout, Lockdown, Evacuate, and Shelter. One of the emergency drills will be practiced each semester. If you are in the building during one of these drills, you may be asked to practice the drill along with the rest of the staff and students.
Each Jeffco school has a BERT (Building Emergency Response Team). They are the staff members responsible for leadership roles during an emergency. Each member has completed the FEMA course and passed the assessment, received training and information in their role, and have met to discuss emergency plans for the year.
Field Trips
Field trips are scheduled to provide learning experiences not available in the classroom, which support curriculum or units of study. Fees may be charged for any field trip to supplement the cost. Children must have written permission to go on any field trip. It is the child’s responsibility to get the permission slip (with the required fee information) home and back to school by the date requested. For liability reasons, students who do not return permission slips (with fee) will NOT be allowed to call parents for “verbal permission” over the phone. Instead, students without permission slips will remain at school in a classroom determined by their teacher. For safety reasons siblings are not allowed to join a class on a field trip.
Parents are often selected to be chaperones for field trips. A list of chaperone guidelines will be sent home prior to the field trip. These chaperones have a special duty to our students and parents that volunteer to be chaperones must follow these guidelines.
At times, our classes access private vehicles for field trips. All parents who volunteer to drive their vehicles for a field trip are required to provide confirmation of insurance. Please be sure a student is not transported in a seat that has an airbag.
Health and Medication
Children who have contagious illnesses or who have an elevated temperature should not be sent to school. If a child becomes ill or injured at school, he/she will be cared for temporarily, and parents will be notified. We have a clinic aide available part-time and the office staff will oversee the clinic. PLEASE BE SURE TO UPDATE ALL EMERGENCY INFORMATION AS NEEDED THROUGHOUT THE SCHOOL YEAR!
If your child has a medical condition we need to know about, please contact the clinic aide or area nurse. In certain cases, students will receive an Individual Health Care Plan. We have a “nut free” table in the cafeteria. Please explain to your child about the “nut free” table AND do not send any snacks with nuts to class parties/events.
District policy requires that all medication for a student (prescription and non-prescription) must be brought to school by an adult.
Elementary school students are not allowed to carry any medications with them at any time. However, Jeffco Schools does allow students with severe medical issues to possess and self-administer medications in accordance with the Colorado School Children’s Asthma and Anaphylaxis Health Management Act. ONLY students who meet the criteria defined in the Code of Conduct may carry their own medication. An area nurse must set this up and give permission for this to happen. Otherwise medications must stay in the school clinic.
At the end of each school year, parents must come to the school clinic to pick up any medications that were sent throughout the year. This is especially important for prescriptions. If medications are not claimed by the last day of school, the medicines will be destroyed.
Bringing medication to school
Please see regulations and forms necessary for bringing medication to school on the Health Services and Medical Forms webpages.
Inside Days: Weather Policy
Most days are outside days. Students should line up at their outside classroom door.
We determine whether it is an inside day as early as possible on a day to day basis. Taken into consideration is the temperature (20 degrees or above), precipitation, wind, heat etc.
If you see green flags outside, this signifies that it is an inside day when the students arrive. Students should not be dropped off prior to 7:25 a.m., at which time they will be allowed to go inside on their own to stand in line, quietly, by their classroom door. When students enter the school they are safe and it is unnecessary for parents to stay till the bell rings.
Even if it is an inside day first thing in the morning, it is likely that students will go outside for recess as the temperatures usually warm up as the day goes on.
Students are expected to be properly dressed during cold weather. On cold days, students need warm coats, mittens or gloves, hats and boots if it is snowy or very wet out. PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOUR CHILD HAS PROPER CLOTHING FOR THESE DAYS!
Instruction and Homework
All students should read every night that it is possible, either for enjoyment or as part of an assignment. Younger students need an adult to read to them, and as soon as they are able, need to read to an adult every night that it is possible.
Homework may be assigned by individual teachers for various reasons. These might include:
- Make-up work as a result of absence (see Make-up work under Attendance)
- Additional assignments designed to help children meet their potential
- Work planned to help children overcome specific difficulties
- Assignments made for the purpose of practicing or developing skills
- Work not completed during the normal school day
- Individual research projects and projects intended to pursue individual interests
ALL HOMEWORK SHOULD BE RETURNED BY THE DATE INDICATED BY THE TEACHER. Late homework is strongly discouraged, unless it is the result of an excused/unexcused absence or other documented emergency. Extensions may be addressed by individual teachers. (See Make-up work under Attendance)
Teachers will usually not be able to give assignments in advance for absences. Please see Make-up work under Attendance. Please contact your child’s teacher to make arrangements on an individual basis.
The assignment and successful completion of homework has a positive effect on increased student achievement. Two common purposes of homework are: (1) practice and (2) preparation and elaboration. Homework for practice is for students to work on skills for which they have already received instruction and guided practice. Students should be familiar with the skill and have had some practice with it. The second general purpose of homework is to prepare students for new content or to elaborate on content that has been introduced. A teacher may ask students to identify objects found in their kitchen before introducing the concept of classifying. For elaboration, a teacher may ask the class to write or explain about the thinking a student used in solving a problem or learning a skill. Another purpose of homework is to help increase understanding of a complex or multi-step skill. An example of this would be when a student practices writing. They may rewrite a passage to make it better.
Parent involvement in homework
We realize that, at times, homework can increase tension between student, parent, and teacher. These tips should help minimize this tension and help students be more successful with their homework.
- Help set up a consistent organized place for homework to be done.
- Help your child establish either a consistent schedule for completing homework or help him create a schedule each Sunday night that reflects that particular week’s activities.
- Encourage, motivate, and prompt your child, but do not sit with her and do the homework with her. You can be available for help and guidance but resist giving too much help or “being the teacher”. The purpose of the homework is for your child to practice and use what she has learned. If your child is consistently not able to do the homework with minimal support, please contact the teacher.
- If your child is practicing a skill, ask him to tell you which steps are easy for him, which are difficult, or how he is going to improve. If your child is doing a project, ask him what knowledge he is applying in the project. If your child is consistently unable to talk about the knowledge he is practicing or using, please contact the teacher.
- Although there might be exceptions, the minutes your child should spend on homework should equal approximately 10 times their grade level (a 2nd grader would spend 20 minutes, a 3rd grader, 30, and so on). Work not completed during the time allotted during the day would be in addition to this amount of time. Please contact the teacher if your child is consistently not finishing school work during school time rather than taking it home for homework.
- When bedtime comes, please stop your child even if he is not done.
- Avoid homework “battles”. Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher first, and then the principal if needed, to discuss the situation if homework becomes a consistent issue between you and your child. By working together, we hope to make homework a valuable experience for us all.
Money at School
Please do not allow your child to bring excess money to school. Students may bring money for cafeteria items; however, students are not allowed to purchase for each other. Students may also bring money to school for fees, field trips, book fair, etc., and these funds should be sent in a sealed envelope with both the child’s and teacher’s name on it.
Parking Lot and Hug n Go
We have two lanes going in the same direction:
- The right lane is for drop off and pick up only.
- The left lane is to drive through, past the cars stopped in the drop off zones.
In order to have drop off go smoothly, we need to have cars pull up as far as possible. Please use both lanes all the way to the gym/kitchen as space allows in the drop off zone. Pulling all the way forward to the kitchen really helps keep traffic moving! Once you stop in the drop off zone please continue to pull forward unless you are in the process of actually loading or unloading. Having students be ready is very helpful! Once you are completed with drop off, pull into the left lane to exit the lot. We must have you stay in your car while in these lanes or else we will have traffic back up onto 76th Ave. Please do not use the left lane to pick up and drop off, it is for through traffic only and is very dangerous! Additionally, please do not drop your child off in the other lanes of the parking lot to walk to the crosswalk — this is also very dangerous. Once cars get past the building on the north end, both lanes are used to exit the lot so please do not plan to drop your child off in that area!
As always, we need to think safety first. Students should only walk through the parking lot attended by an adult as our little ones are hard to see. Older students need to model this for our younger ones or they too will try to cross without help. We appreciate your patience in driving very slowly, and in constantly being alert to students walking by or cars that may pull out. Of course, you may want to pick up your students along 76th Ave. and not have to enter the parking lot. This is an especially good option for our older students. Please go over crosswalk and other safety rules with your child and by working together we will help keep our students safe!
School Safety
It is important that parents and students abide by the following safety rules while coming to and leaving school:
Please review the Student Conduct Code online, with your child. Especially review rules about weapons, harassment, and endangering the safety of another person. Even “toy” or look-alike weapons are NOT to be brought to school under any circumstances.
- Students should come straight to school in the morning and directly home after school.
- School rules apply to students while in the neighborhood going to and from school.
- Students and parents should always use the crosswalk and light when crossing 76th Avenue.
- Drivers are asked to observe all traffic signs, designating appropriate places to load and unload students. We ask that you NEVER park in the areas designated for school buses and daycare vans.
- Students should be dropped off in the “Hug n Go Lane” on the perimeter of the parking lot and should use the sidewalk to approach the building. Under no circumstances should students walk through the parking lot without an adult.
- All visitors are “buzzed” into the school via an intercom and TV monitor system. All doors will remain locked during the school day. Staff and students have been instructed to call the office immediately when seeing individuals in our building without a badge.
- Please refrain from cell phone use while driving in our parking lot to ensure student safety and always watch for wee ones and drive SLOWLY!!
Visitor Sign In
Visitors to the school will be “buzzed in”. Visitors will ring a doorbell, the staff in the office will be able to see the visitor on a monitor in the office, and will then be able to let them in.
Help us keep our school safe! ALL visitors must sign in and get a sticker to indicate to staff that you have checked in. We understand that we know most of you. However, the overall safety of our school requires that you help us with this process. Please follow these rules. We must work together to keep our school safe. Individuals who do not follow visitation procedures may be charged with trespassing. (Criminal Charges for Trespass 18-4-504)
Please report any suspicious person or activity in or around the school or in the neighborhood.
Visiting School and Classrooms
Parents are encouraged to volunteer at school and in classrooms. It is always good for you to arrange a time with your child's teacher before coming. Individual classroom schedules, various field trips, speakers, outside activities, tests, etc., are happening all the time so it is good for the teacher to know you are coming. Be sure to sign in at the office upon entering the building.
If you are volunteering for the first time, please speak to the ladies in the office so that you can complete necessary paperwork before volunteering.
Students from other schools, former Hackberry students and visiting relatives are not allowed to spend the day at school for liability reasons and disruption to learning.
Lunching with your student? Please enter through the front door and sign in at the office.
504 Policy
Building 504 policy
The District is committed to ensuring that all eligible students, including those with disabilities, have an equal opportunity to participate in non-academic and extracurricular programs and activities. If your student requires an accommodation to participate in the program(s) described above, please contact our Building 504 Coordinator, Don Klene 303-982-0260.
The District's Parent Guide to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ("Parent Guide") has been revised and updated. The updated Parent Guide is available on the District's website at: Copies of the Parent Guide are also available in each school building and can be obtained from the principal's office.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ("Section 504") and the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") prohibit discrimination against individuals with disabilities in any program receiving federal financial assistance. The Jefferson County Public School District is committed to ensuring compliance with Section 504 and the ADA. Accordingly, no discrimination against any persons with a disability shall knowingly be permitted in any program or practice in the District. The District further acknowledges that it has the responsibility to provide accommodations, adjustments, modifications, and necessary services to eligible students and other individuals with disabilities.
If you believe that your student with a disability has been denied an accommodation or service as a result of inappropriate weighing of available resources or if you have any questions or concerns related to Section 504 or the provision of appropriate services for your student with a disability, please do not hesitate to contact your student's building principal.
Jeffco Public Schools Student & Family Handbook
The Student and Family Handbook is designed to promote safety through high standards of behavior. This handbook outlines Jeffco’s policies, procedures and student expectations. Download the handbook in PDF format below.
Student and Family Handbook (English) Manual para estudiantes y familias (Spanish) Справочник для учеников и родителей (Russian) Sổ tay gia đình học sinh (Vietnamese)